Machine learning to Detect Palm Oil Diseases Based on Leaf Extraction Features and Principal Component Analysis (PCA)

Ahmad Rusadi Arrahimi, Veri Julianto, Oky Rahmanto


Palm oil tree is one of the economically important crops that is the backbone of the Indonesian economy. However, palm oil production is often hampered by various diseases. The disease is difficult to detect in the early stages because infected trees often show no symptoms. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out identification and classification to determine whether this palm coconut plant is sick or infected with disease. In this study the disease was identified in palm coconut by identifying it through leaves by modifying the extraction process features using PCA and comparing it with no PCA for sick and healthy types. Subsequently, the classification will be done using SVM (Support Vector Machine) with various treatments such as variation of the features used and the amount of data to be processed in carrying out experiments or tests. The results obtained show that if the feature used for classifying a number of 4 or more then the accuracy value remains at 97%.

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